When my relative died, one of his acquaintances posted about it publicly on social media before all the family members had a chance to be notified in a more compassionate way. People need to realize it’s not their place to “scoop” a death by racing to be the first to post about it. It’s frankly not their place and is extremely inconsiderate to the loved one of the deceased.
When the mother of my daughter’s best friend died, a mutual acquaintance of the mother posted a performative FB boo-hoo and garnered a crap ton of sympathetic responses. My daughter and I attended all hours of the visitation and funeral in support of my daughter’s friend. Wouldn’t you know that Ms. “Pity Me My Dearest Friend Died” could not be arsed to show up for either event? And yeah, she’s local and has the type of job where she could easily take some hours off. She just wanted to soak up all the internet sympathy. Disgusting.
Thank you for illuminating this grotesque online behavior.