I deactivated Facebook a quite a while ago and haven’t missed it. FB was a time-suck, emotional labor, and a constant source of disappointment seeing people supporting racist leaders, sharing sexist memes, or spouting conspiracy theories about vaccines. Social media is everyone displaying slivers of their life in front of a picture window, hoping some passersby will applaud. Both Twitter Instagram are off my phone. I don’t miss any of it an iota. Social media produces anxiety, aggravation in exchange for your time and privacy. I wonder why we ever agreed to it in the first place. I don’t care if other people use it in the same sense I don’t care if they snort coke in the bathroom—not my business but I also don’t want to know about it. It’s insane how many people in my life will gripe about their FB dramas yet refuse to just get off of there. It’s addicting in the truest sense.