“Boomerang” presupposes that they will move out and later return. We’re retired. Our 23-year-old works full time but thanks to late capitalism is still living at home. He pays a modest rent, 2/3rds of which I bank for his eventual moving-out expenses. This morning, my coffee was accompanied by his piano playing in his spare minutes before leaving for work. He’s responsible, kind, creative, and a joy to have around.
Our daughter is 27 and rents a fixer-upper we bought in late 2020 about a week before real estate values skyrocketed. It has doubled in value in less than 4 years, so it was a great investment whether she continues to rent from us or moves. She works full-time, never misses her rent or utility payments, and takes good care of the house and yard. I hope to do something similar for our son when he’s making enough to afford it.
When your kids grow into thoughtful young adults, having them around is not a burden. Just set it up so they’re paying/doing their adult share and let them sort out the details.